I've added a new whitelist source: domains of publically-traded companies listed at dmoz and Google:
http://www.dmoz.org/Business/Major_Companies/Publicly_Traded/ http://directory.google.com/Top/Business/Major_Companies/Publicly_Traded/
(Public listing in this context means companies that can sell stock on U.S. exchanges. It includes mostly U.S. and some foreign companies, from large to small.)
Each yields lists of about 4300 or so of mostly the same domains which are now all excluded from SURBLs. Here are the extracted dmoz and Google public company domain lists:
http://spamcheck.freeapp.net/whitelists/public-companies-domains.dmoz.sort http://spamcheck.freeapp.net/whitelists/public-companies-domains.google.sort
The scripts which produce these are at:
http://spamcheck.freeapp.net/whitelists/public-companies/grab-dmoz http://spamcheck.freeapp.net/whitelists/public-companies/grab-google
They're called from a cron job nightly to help keep the lists up to date.
These new whitelists hit only a few production SURBL domains (at 14 out of about 40k records):
autoweb.com cott.com egreetings.com fs.com infousa.com insweb.com ivillage.com learningtree.com mediabay.com net.com netcreations.com nutrisystem.com scholastic.com spss.com
Interestingly, the 6dos data in ds.surbl.org hit a mostly different set:
alloy.com befree.com commtouch.com digitalimpact.com doubleclick.com elsitio.com euniverse.com harrisinteractive.com herbalife.com infousa.com lifeminders.com mediaplex.com ncen.com netcreations.com netiq.com networkcommerce.com pcmall.com real.com uslec.com
But the hits against 6dos are also few (at 19 out of about 87k records).
Jeff C.