now has some additional data sources included in it: MailSecurity's formerly proprietary SURBL lists, data from Joe Wein's jwSpamSpy Windows POP mail spam-filtering agent, and data from Raymond Dijkxhoorn's Prolocation RBL. Thanks for providing those Joe, MailSecurity and Raymond! Here are some links to more information about those sources:
jwSpamSpy is a POP3 spam scanner for Windows. jwSpamSpy looks like it should have pretty good spam performance since Joe's URI domain blacklist has a lot of overlap with some of the data plus many other quickly added entries as described at:
Those new data sources join entries in ws from three SpamAssassin rulesets: Bill Stearns' sa-blacklist, from Chris Santerre and his SARE cohorts, and Paul Barbeau's Other manual lists are also included in WS, most of which are being processed and hand-checked by Chris Santerre.
ws now has about 30k records, and here are some statistics from Raymond's mail system:
SpamAssassin tag hits: (top 100) #1 64675 BAYES_99 #2 54198 HTML_MESSAGE #3 44694 RCVD_IN_SBL+XBL #4 43427 RCVD_IN_BL_SPAMCOP_NET #5 37191 RCVD_IN_SORBS #6 35888 WS_URI_RBL #7 33729 SPAMCOP_URI_RBL #8 33089 MIME_HTML_ONLY #9 32485 OUTBLAZE_URI_RBL #10 26678 RCVD_IN_DSBL #11 19665 RCVD_IN_AHBL #12 19662 RCVD_IN_DYNABLOCK #13 19146 CLICK_BELOW #14 18374 ABUSEBUTLER_URI_RBL
WS, SC and OB are detecting roughly the same numbers of spams, though they may be somewhat different spams.
Thanks to everyone who is providing data, checking data or otherwise helping with the SURBL project!
Please remember to report false positives in SURBLs back to us on the SURBL discussion list or whitelist at surbl dot org
Jeff C.