My ISP (www.bmts.com - Bruce Telecom, reachable at
tech(a)brucetelecom.com) uses surbl to detect and block SPAM, however the
debian mailing lists do not and this results in bounces of mail sent to
the debian mailing lists and through it to me through my provider.
This is bad because the debian mailing lists unsubscribe users who have
too many bounces.
My ISP tells me to contact you to get the offending site removed,
however I don't object to the site blacklisted, but to the
listz.debian.org mail bouncing. I asked them to whitelist it but they
just reiterated that I had to contact you.
I think they are wrong and not understand. Could someone kindly beat
the over the head with instruction on how to whitelist listz.debian.org
so that it is not blocked even if a surbl blacklisted URL is in the
The address of their tech support is tech(a)brucetelecom.com
Please CC me if this is a busy list as I may then not see the message.
And that's my crabbing done for the day. Got it out of the way early,
now I have the rest of the afternoon to sniff fragrant tea-roses or
strangle cute bunnies or something. -- Michael Devore
GnuPG Key Fingerprint 86 F5 81 A5 D4 2E 1F 1C http://gnupg.org
The C Shore (Daniel Dickinson's Website) http://cshore.is-a-geek.com
You've probably not heard of my URL shortener service http://twi.bz/ because
it is very new, but I wanted to appeal to the SURBL folks to accept
twi.bzdomain names within the SURBL lists.
twi.bz is differently from the standard URL shorteners in that it includes
the domain name of the destination site in the twi.bz domain name.
For example, a twi.bz link to amazon.com would be in the form:
amazon.twi.bz/XYZ. A twi.bz link to amazon.ca would be in the form
amazon.ca.twi.bz/XYZ and a twi.bz link to amazon.co.uk would be in the form
amazon.co.uk.twi.bz/XYZ. For .com domains I strip the .com for all the rest
I leave the TLD in place. Since this is in the domain name it should be
easy for them to appear in the SURBL list.
On my side I'll be using SURBL multi on domains submitted to the service to
check for spam. I'm hoping that the visibility in twi.bz domains, they're
ability to appear in SURBL and my checking of SURBL links will make
twi.bzunattractive for spammers.