Hi surbl,
I have an inquiry regarding my domain pabular.com. I don't know if this is
the right place to ask, so bare with me if this is off topic.
I recently launched a website on the domain pabular.com, and it was brought
to my attention that my site has a very low Web Of Trust (WOT) score. Upon
visiting the WOT website I could see that my site had been added to the
SURBL Outblast URI blacklist, on October 6. 2012. So I went to the
surbl.orgwebsite and made a lookup of the domain, only to find that
the domain is
not blacklisted.
So I have the following questions:
1) I have never hosted any malware, and the only http server the domain has
ever pointed to in the years I have owned it, are the google app engine
servers. I don't remember the exact date when I set up DNS to point to the
google app engine servers, but it might have been around October 6. Is it a
known issue that domains pointing to google app engine servers are
blacklisted for hosting malware?
2) WOT tell me that they update so-called scorecard within 24 hours of
being notified about a removal from a list. This has not happened for my
domain, so I'm interested in knowing when my domain was removed from the
Outblast URI blacklist.
Thank you for any information you can provide on this issue.
Kind regards,
Klaus Byskov Hoffmann