Maybe I'm dense (or haven't been paying too much attention to SA/MS/SURBL, because they've been working so well), but I received a few emails this AM from clients and vendors who have sent us emails before that were marked as spam.
For example, I received an email from blinkingeyemedia .com (NOT listed in SURBL), but the SA header section listed: X-E9-MailScanner-SpamCheck: spam, SpamAssassin (score=10.401, required 5, BAYES_00 -2.60, URIBL_OB_SURBL 4.00, URIBL_PH_SURBL 5.00, URIBL_SC_SURBL 4.00)
The only URLs in the whole email were blinkingeyemedia (in a sig) and engineno9inc .com (my domain) in a mailto: from a response.
This happened twice with this particular correspondent, but other emails got through just fine (with the same URLs and at roughly the same time)!
A client sent an email to one of my domains, jksevents .com (not listed), and the only url in the email was jksevents in a mailto:. Similar response from SURBL.
Has anyone seen this? Do I need to post more info? Does someone need to see the email off list?
I've had this happen before, but they were one offs, and when they occurred, I checked the lookup, scratched my head when the URLs didn't show, and promptly put them on the back burner.
Thanks! Alden