On Monday, February 13, 2006, 1:45:13 PM, Michele Blacknight.ie wrote:
Matthew.van.Eerde@hbinc.com wrote:
To warn the browser's user (me, ATM) that the site they are visiting is spamvertised and/or a reported phishing site. Useful for those who do not have control over their mail server, especially if they're using webmail.
Also a proof-of-concept of the "right way" to implement a phishing blacklist -- without sacrificing user privacy.
Wanring an end user that the site is spamvertised may appeal to some people, but I can't really see much benefit to users in general.
Given that some spamvertised sites probably have virus and trojan horse loaders, it could be useful. Also many people would probably prefer not to support spammers.
As for phishing sites... That might be worth exploring, but is SURBL data the best way of handling this?
It's one way. It may not be the best and it's certainly not the only way. OTOH DNSBLs already exist and are a somewhat reasonable way to get data out.
Jeff C. -- Don't harm innocent bystanders.