On Wednesday, August 16, 2006, 1:53:14 AM, Christian Larsen wrote:
Den 15. aug. 2006 kl. 17.25 skrev Jeff Chan:
Thanks much for writing this Christian! Hope you don't mind some feedback that applies equally to any application using SURBL data: [...]
Thanks for your comments!
(1) Whitelist added (2) Program now recognizes two-level TLDs as per your list (3) I've changed these names to respectively "b.stearn/spamassassin" and prolocation/jwspamspy. But if you still feel these do not correctly reflect the persons behind the lists, let me know.
Thanks! You may want to change it to "w.stearns" (with an s at the end of his name), and no spamassassin. His list is meant to work with SpamAssassin, but it's not really applicable in this case.
I'll link and announce your site.
Jeff C. -- Don't harm innocent bystanders.