I've just grabbed Bill's list of domains and compared it to my local domains blacklist, with some interesting results. The following is a breakdown (expressed in line counts, each line representing a domain) of the similarities and differences.
27546 comparelists.intersection 155709 comparelists.notboth 117662 comparelists.onlyin.localbl 38046 comparelists.onlyin.sa-blacklist.current.domains 183256 comparelists.union
Quick interpretation: my local blacklist has 117662 domains not listed in SURBL. Bill's file has 38046 domains not listed in mine. We only have 27546 domains in common. The counts are a bit off, I realize, as I've got a few entries that I've simply commented out as well as a comment or two.
I've posted the files here:
http://hesketh.com/schampeo/surbl/comparelists.intersection http://hesketh.com/schampeo/surbl/comparelists.notboth http://hesketh.com/schampeo/surbl/comparelists.onlyin.localbl http://hesketh.com/schampeo/surbl/comparelists.onlyin.sa-blacklist.current.d... http://hesketh.com/schampeo/surbl/comparelists.union
In case anyone wants to grab and poke around at these. Note that nospammerinhisrightmindwouldusethisdomain.com is just something I threw in for testing purposes, and well, should be obvious as to its farcical nature.