Cnet article:
Perhaps google should look into using SURBL? Maybe just the phishing part of it? Anyone have a google contact?
" Phishers lie in wait for Google searchers
Traditionally, phishing scammers have lured their victims to fraudulent Web sites by sending official-looking e-mails that are ostensibly from well-known companies asking users to 'verify' their user names and passwords. Now many are setting up legitimate looking e-commerce sites that disguise links to malicious software as pictures of goods on sale, CyberGuard said Wednesday.
Paul Henry, a senior vice president at CyberGuard, said that when Web shoppers search the Internet looking for products they want to buy, they could be directed to a plausible e-commerce site that instructs them to "Click here to download images" of the product.
Henry said that instead of linking to pictures of the advertised product, the links point to a self-extracting ZIP file that installs a Trojan horse on the victim's computer. The program could then steal personal and financial information. .........
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Chris Santerre System Admin and SARE Ninja 'It is not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.' Charles Darwin