-----Original Message----- From: Jeff Chan [mailto:jeffc@surbl.org] Sent: Sunday, July 18, 2004 5:07 PM To: SURBL Discuss; SpamAssassin Users Subject: 6dos data into ds.surbl.org
Chris Santerre asked on the spamassassin-users list whether ds.surbl.org was being updated with the 6dos data. The answer is no, it's static now based on that snapshot Chris gave me a couple weeks ago. To be honest, the 6dos data seems too over-inclusive to me for production use, but perhaps Chris or Rich could help me figure out something closer to a live feed as we beta test it.
Jeff C.
LOL, I don't remember half the stuff I ask :) Actually the initial data that was used wasn't even the freshest from the source. This data is used in a much different way and is quite large! Well beyond a simple list of domains. I'm actually thinking it should not be used. It does contain a vast amount of info.
I'm hoping instead, that this data source could be used for SURBL research in the future. When and if we get a nicer interface to it.
So my official recomendation is for ds.surbl.org to go away.