And quality software allows you to have it "your way" -- as I understand it ClamAV 0.9 (we're on 0.84-2) will add an option.
<chuckle> Some ClamAV developers are active on several anti-spam lists and forums, and have been hearing complaints about their anti-phishing filters from some of their best customers/users. Since they *are* reasonable folks, they listened.
I like it, so does Greg --others don't like it; good software let's us choose when possible.
Actually, I like it and regularly recommend it to users who are running SpamBouncer on small company, academic, or ISP mailservers. SB's own anti-virus filters aren't bad for getting the cr*p out of your mailbox, but they do NOT constitute a full AV program, and aren't updated as quickly as a good AV program. Despite my annoyance with one policy decision, I'm not dumb enough not to recognize that ClamAV is a good AV program. (Better than merely good, according to friends of mine who work at other AV companies and should know.)