On Monday, August 1, 2005, 11:37:19 PM, Daniel Kleinsinger wrote:
Jeff Chan wrote:
It's sounding like the sc2 list is catching 10-15% more spam than the sc list, based on some early reports of SA users. Is anyone else getting some results?
Are there differences in ham hits?
How about xs.surbl.org?
Since 7/27 config change to add sc2 my server has tagged 27,609 messages as spam: URIBL_SC2_SURBL has hit on 15,981 messages, all of which were tagged spam URIBL_SC_SURBL has hit on 14,105 messages, all of which were tagged spam URIBL_XS_SURBL has hit on 13,165 messages, 3 of which were not tagged spam; however, all 3 look like a fn or damaged virus.
So SC2 catches about 13% more messages for me. In the week prior to 7/25 (when you told me the XS config changed) XS hit on average 1570 messages per day. Since then it has averaged 2,175 messages per day.
Thanks for the feedback Daniel. Sounds like SC2 may be worth making into production SC. But I'd still like to hear back from some of the SA corpus testers about ham hit rates.
Jeff C. -- Don't harm innocent bystanders.