Raymond Dijkxhoorn wrote:
Stats is just samples anyway, doesnt give a complete image. So you better should not use it as a reference ;)
It's the input for sc.surbl.org, it's required to be reliable, see also http://www.surbl.org/data.html with its link to http://www.spamcop.net/w3m?action=inprogress;type=www
If "sc2" will have some shortcut resulting in essentially the same input it's of course fine, but public pages for users to check what happens with their "votes" are also very important.
You can see on SC's page that spamvertized URLs with private reporting arrangements like spambr AT admin.spamcop.net are (of course) shown.
Spamvertized URLs with dev-nulled reports are also shown, e.g. postmaster#chinanet.cn.net AT devnull.spamcop.net, and that's as it should be: After all SURBL doesn't care about the fate of the SC report, it's only interested in the spamvertized URL.
And the day before yesterday there were numerous URLs with a reporting address postmaster#cc.yahoo-inc.com@devnull on this page, the same erroneous reporting address as for [see subject]
But [see subject] didn't show up as a spamvertized URL, and so SURBL never saw it. That SpamCop glitch (or whatever it was) was unrelated to private or dev-nulled reporting addresses.
Bye, Frank