Raymond Dijkxhoorn wrote to SURBL Discussion list:
If it is 'company policy', then they should not subscribe to the list from that email address as they may also miss postings with spam-like content.
The world isnt just 1 and 0, there is more. These situations exist, and the people i know in thses situations are VERY helpfull antispam soldiers.
Sure. These helpful antispam soldiers should also know that, regardless of whether domains are munged or not (SURBL is just one aspect of most comprehensive filters), that other spammy list messages might wind up in their spam filter just as quickly.
In general, folks (especially smart helpful ones) should already be aware that, if they (or their ISP) filter spam related list mail, they're eventually going to FILTER SPAM RELATED LIST MAIL. ;-)
I'm advocating making our job easier. We don't send example spams with munged headers and spam phrases, because it just shovels more work on the sender and the recipients to de-munge everything. Why bother with domains?
- Ryan