On Saturday, September 11, 2004, 12:40:22 AM, Jeff Chan wrote:
On Friday, September 10, 2004, 7:12:23 AM, Chris Santerre wrote:
processrequest.com linked to: * 1: e2communications.com * 2: processrequest.com * 3: prq0.com Check http://tinyurl.com/4ds43 Just going to their website screams to me to watch them closely! If they are legit, they should be using SURBL to watch their own customers. They are a member of the evil empire DMA as well. In my jaded mind, thats an automatic block here at my company. Obviously different for SURBL. This one needs to be contacted and watched, IMHO.
I missed commenting on these guys. They do look quite spammy, but they've been around since 1996 and their Exodus IP addresses which they send from and host at are not listed by spamhaus.
I don't remember what Exodus' abuse policies are like, but I think it's safe to assume they're at least a little stricter than say China Telecom. The age of their registration and the fact that they're hosted at a decent ISP leads me to think they may be ok to whitelist.
They also send mail from a consistent IP address of which is easily blocked.
Does anyone have other ham hit examples for them?
Jeff C.