Jeff Chan wrote:
If "sc2" will have some shortcut resulting in essentially the same input it's of course fine,
It's not the same input; it's a direct, private database query into SpamCop. Some of the data may be the same, some may not be.
With "essentially the same input" I meant the manual spam reports, spam where SC tried to find some spamvertized URLs.
Good news, SC now uses a working abuse address also for the geocities crap, example link taken from their "stats" page: geocities com/ghadifabecergil/
(add missing dots for a working URL). So now I'd expect that this "vote" later shows up on your WL hit list for geocities.
I don't want to talk about it further since these are the private arrangements between SpamCop and Yahoo.
There's nothing private about the new used reporting address, is just what ARIN says.
The less we reveal to spammers the better.
It has still to be enough that I can trust it. Something is phishy if geocities gets some extra-processing only because they are big. For a spamvertized geocities URL SpamCop now needs 40 (!) reloads of the parsing until it finds the IP - and that's the bad news.
I've no idea what the problem is, but it wouldn't surprise me if somebody working from within Yahoo! tries to play games with SpamCop. OTOH I'd doubt that these persons control everything, maybe stops this "insider business".
Bye, Frank