On Wednesday, April 28, 2004, 12:27:18 AM, Raymond Dijkxhoorn wrote:
I DO see an advantage that i am using for some other RBLs also, you can then combine the zones into one big list on the nameservers itself...
Like this:
sbl -r/var/named/spamhaus -t21600 -c60 -b127.0.0.1/430 \ sbl.spamhaus.org:ip4set:sbl \
xbl -r/var/named/spamhaus -t21600 -c60 -b127.0.0.1/330 \ xbl.spamhaus.org:ip4set:xbl \
sbl-xbl -r/var/named/spamhaus -t21600 -c60 -b127.0.0.1/230 \ sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org:ip4set:sbl \ sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org:ip4set:xbl \
Hmm, what does that mean in terms of the presence of $SOA and $NS in each rbldnsd zone file? Do those help or hurt what you do above?
Also, any opinions on $DATASET dnset @ ?
Jeff C.