At 15:11 2004-09-29 -0400, Chris Santerre wrote: Thoughts on this guy? 48 NANAS hits. Listed in
As well as in:
Didn't we already classify this?
I can find a whitelisting email from Jeff, but not the original whitelisting request. Seems to be lost in my archives.
I wonder if we can get a crossref lookup of the global whitelist, so we can see what has already been whitelisted.
I belive this is a spammer in sheeps clothing. But it fools people into signing up for a stupid inspiration newsletter. But the subjects of the newsletter are stuff like: Subject: Get a Credit Report Instantly! Then a inspiration quote, then a big ad. I think we may see more of this in the future. I think it is a UC candidate. Do we have enough listed in UC for testing yet?
I think it's a surbl candidate. Why was it whitelisted? Any actual examples of it showing up in real ham, rather than only in "fooled into signing up for" spam?