Jeff Chan wrote:
FWIW it's the 1 bit, i.e. carrying values 0 and 1; a zero bit would carry no value.
That confusion was started by me in this thread, sorry. In real life bits are always counted from zero (least significant) to seven (most significant) in a byte:
Bit 0 = 2 ** 0 = 1 Bit 1 = 2 ** 1 = 2 (SC) [...] Bit 6 = 2 ** 6 = 64 (JP) Bit 7 = 2 ** 7 = 128.
Setting up and tearing down separate test lists involves some overhead. And eventually multi will need to expand beyond the last octet.
I'll believe it when I see it (the expansion of "multi" ;-)
Don't do strange things with stuff used in production, you don't want to cause erroneous mail deletions.
Bye, Frank