-----Original Message----- From: Tim A [mailto:tim-surbl@kosmo.com] Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2005 12:20 PM To: discuss@lists.surbl.org Subject: RE: [SURBL-Discuss] Thunderbird and SURBL?
-----Original Message----- From: Chris Santerre csanterre@merchantsoverseas.com Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2004 17:07:29 -0500 Subject: RE: [SURBL-Discuss] Thunderbird and SURBL? To: "tim-surbl@kosmo.com" tim-surbl@kosmo.com, SURBL
Discussion list
We do have a list on surbl.org. Granted it isn't very
prominent. :) Perhaps
Jeff will add you?
Just following up on this. Have we been added to the list? We've been using SURBL pretty well since the beginning of SURBL.
I don't think simplefilter is listed. Not that I can find anyway. I wish there was a seperate page on the SURBL site that said "Software that uses SURBL". I still think it is kind of lost in the external news section.
Of course I don't see any mention of SURBL on the simplefilter site either ;)
Chris Santerre System Admin and SARE/SURBL Ninja http://www.rulesemporium.com http://www.surbl.org 'It is not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.' Charles Darwin