On May 30, 2005 1802 Jeff C. wrote
- Please don't use SA scores as an absolute indication of
spammyness. It's crucial to manually review the submissions and not report legitimate domains like dell.com, directv, walmart, etc. Please don't report those!
- Please do continue to use SpamCop for reporting. Even in mole
mode, we get the URI reports.
- But's it's crucial to NOT report legitimate domains. Frankly
the only domains I'm interested in blacklisting are the ones that are advertised by criminal spam gangs, i.e. the ones usually advertising viagra, porn, pirated software or mortgages, etc.
OK, for general purposes I see why the spamvertised domains should not be blacklisted. I only started using SA on 5/19. Have been reading thru their faq and wiki, and can see how the 600 rules it uses can at times cancel each other out. I haven't seen a reason to change the default threshold yet but that may change.
For me, it helps to see who's letting their stuff or their logo appear in spamvertisements. At some point - in my book anyway - they move from the innocent bystander column into a gray area and across the spectrum toward black. Just my point of view.
I do review my submissions carefully. I include the spamvertised domain(s) in my reports so they know their marks are being used improperly and can take steps to end it. That way, the spammers get it from both ends. Seems fair to me, but please let me know if my thinking is flawed.