Eric Kolve said:
Run the following test:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict; use URI;
my $u = URI->new('blah://');
print ref($u),"\n";
If everything works, then you will see:
If this breaks, then I think you have an @INC issue.
On Fri, Apr 30, 2004 at 11:41:23AM -0500, Matt Yackley wrote:
Eric Kolve said:
What version of URI do you have? I may need to bump the version requirement up.
You can find this out with:
perl -MURI -e 'print $URI::VERSION,"\n"'
On Fri, Apr 30, 2004 at 10:11:33AM -0500, Matt Yackley wrote:
Hi all,
I'm hoping that someone can whack me with a clue-stick here. I'm running into problems getting SURBL up and running.
System: RedHat 9 SA 2.63 Amavisd-new SpamCopURI 0.14
Hi Eric, Looks like my URI is version 1.30
Hi Eric, I was able to get the SURBL tests working! :)
I ran the test and it did report back with "URI::_foreign", so since that was working I went back and started looking for other reasons why I was getting the errors. I ran some tests with "spamassassin -D rulesrun=255 -t < test.txt" and saw that when running like this the SURBL tests were working.
The problem was that I'm running amavisd chroot'ed and it was not finding the URI modules. I added the following directory structure to my amavisd-new chroot tree: "/var/amavis/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/URI" and then copied all the contents of /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/URI" over to it. After copying those files over and restarting amavis, everything is now working fine.
Thanks for your help, matt