On Thursday, April 21, 2005, 8:24:30 AM, Matthew Wilson wrote:
just got this in a spam
<A href="h t tp:/ /r.lycos.com/r/vn_swditarrx_csmqempf/http://cympgebdnrMUNGED.org&aeglnl0 oepml18w32zd6%2Ezin ciccg
<FONT></FONT><STRONG></STRONG><STRONG></STRONG><IMG SRC="cid:qlysaynv_milhjoua_qtobefxh" border="0" ALT=""></A>
I believe SpamCop and SpamAssassin are working on code or have code to catch obfuscated redirector usage like this example.
Jeff C. -- "If it appears in hams, then don't list it."