On 7/19/10, Raymond Dijkxhoorn raymond@prolocation.net wrote:
Looks perhaps like a odd reject but the URL is inside there:
host mx01.lastspam.com[] said: 550-5.7.1 rejected
black listed 2010.In by multi.surbl.org. #762 #895
With a URL like that, I'd wager that it was written as part of regular text and not intended to be a URL at all. For example, if the email contained a phrase along the lines of the following (just a random example I made up):
"Sales have risen in 2010.In the following year they should rise even more."
Note the lack of a space after the full stop turns "2010.In" into a domain name when in fact it shouldn't be.
Meaning the software using the SURBL data does a bad job ;)
The domain in question is expired from SURBL however we will try to contact lastspam.com and see what was wrong there.
FWIW It looks like 2010.in was never blacklisted on SURBLs. So there may be another problem with the application.