From: "Chris Santerre"
I forgot, DO I add these into the SURBL, or do I keep IPs out for now and add to my BigEvil dynamic version?
my understanding is that ips which occurred in spam should be listed
if http://a.b.c.d/ was in a spam then a.b.c.d should be listed.
The reolsved ips of spammer domains which do not occur directly in spam shouldn't be listed.
if http://some-spammer-domain.tld/ was in a spam and a.b.c.d is the ip address of the domain, then some-spammer-domain.tld should be listed while a.b.c.d should not.
NB: ips are listed in surbl in reverse octet format so if the ip is a.b.c.d then the listing should be like: