mouss wrote:
Warren Robinson a écrit :
Hi All, Any feedback on how effective this is ?
it would be good to share these. most of those I've looked at are of the form **/? so I can just block these since /? is very rare in general.
The rule called GeocitiesRd in the rule set does just that :
of course, it would be better if yahoo track the args to any page to detect those whioch corrspond to the actual spam,
I agree, but the new spams generally don't use this tracking system anymore, so it's becoming less useful ...
the encoded javascript redirector most of those pages contain is a piece of cake to detect, and as the saying goes, when there's a will, there's a way.
I even prepared a list of live spam urls to make it easier for them :
When will Yahoo / Geocities stop protecting spammers on their network ?
Only Yahoo can answer the question, and we've already been waiting far too long ...
and they could also run a content filter against those which get hit too much.
I suspect they don't get that many hits and it would not be a good indicator, If they had a sizable charge, the sites would be 'temporarily disabled' since the hourly traffic on free Geocities sites is capped around 3 megs / hour ...