first i want to thank all of you who replied - on and off list. Your input is highly appreciated and has helped me making my decision to not use ahbl.org at MTA level (i have been using it in local SA rules with low score and in meta-rules already, just like spews).
In an older episode (Wednesday, 31. August 2005 02:27), Raymond Dijkxhoorn wrote:
You also ment to post this on the ahbl list right? :) Please limit the postings somehow to surbl.
Raymond: nope, not another mailing list besides SA, surbl, uribl, postfix and a few more. I have found this list a pool of highly knowledgeable anti-spam activists, and I wanted exactly the kind of knowledgeable feedback and background information out of this pool that y'all have given me here on that subject. And I still think the subject is close enuf to surbl not to be totally off topic here.
In an older episode (Wednesday, 31. August 2005 03:32), Jeff Chan wrote:
Wolfgang, An obvious question is: are you seeing cheetah.com in spams or hams?
Nope. Cheetah.com simply was a typo. All my questions were related to cheetahmail.com and ahbl.org.
cheers and thanks again,