-----Original Message----- From: Raymond Dijkxhoorn [mailto:raymond@prolocation.net] Sent: Friday, September 10, 2004 8:48 PM To: discuss@lists.surbl.org Subject: [SURBL-Discuss] important reduce wrise renkles & skin spots (fwd)
Our favorite pill spammers also try to get around SURBL now.
I dont want to end up making SA rulesets for this, any suggestions ?
ns3.airmaramba.biz ns3.avk29.biz
The same crap... But, with less SA hits now, since its not touched by SURBL. Bah.
---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Sat, 11 Sep 2004 01:50:29 +0100 From: kenneth clakley auroraschorn@rfc.every1.net To: wilfredo moote reyes@prolocation.net Subject: important reduce wrise renkles & skin spots
suc-oneonta sony-steo lettery
From inside to outside, from w^eig_ht l`o^ss to skin care. From mental
relief to physical relief, from antidepressant to muscle relaxant. The care inside out.
you can copy
to your browser
I wrote this for SARE:
uri ANUMA /.[a-z]{4,}\d{4,}[a-z]{4,}.(?:com|net|biz|info|org)/i describe ANUMA Domain with ALPHAs NUMBERs APLHAs score ANUMA 1.0
to catch tons of this: stiffed5912tads.com unawares6248pinn.com snoozed2548rneds.com 585paperwork970tads.com congener1455rneds.com