-----Original Message----- From: jm@jmason.org [mailto:jm@jmason.org] Sent: Friday, October 22, 2004 3:49 PM To: SURBL Discussion list Cc: csanterre@merchantsoverseas.com Subject: Re: [SURBL-Discuss] free host: greatnow.com
Matthew Wilson writes:
If I were a spammer monitoring this list's traffic (there
have got to be
some), I would buy up a bunch of domains that were registered a few years ago but expired, throw up a bunch of bogus "legitimate looking" content,
yep, the google-spammers are doing that already.
send out a bunch of spam using those "legitimate" domain names, and then complain to Jeff et al. that SURBL is generating false positives. According to current policies, my sites would be whitelisted, "yay!".
this is a possible problem, alright. But as far as I can see Jeff has been saying to *check* the possible false positive domains, not to just blindly whitelist them.
And we do check them. Find that they have in the past, and currently host a BUNCH of spam. But they get one legit use. So they get whitelisted on WS, according to the policy. So I follow the policy of WS.
Only choice is to submit this stuff to a list with a different policy.