On Sun, 26 Sep 2004, Raymond Dijkxhoorn wrote:
My apologies if this has been covered before - my searches came up pretty empty.
A grep inside your rules dir would have told ;)
25_uribl.cf:urirhssub URIBL_SC_SURBL multi.surbl.org. A 2 25_uribl.cf:urirhssub URIBL_WS_SURBL multi.surbl.org. A 4 25_uribl.cf:urirhssub URIBL_PH_SURBL multi.surbl.org. A 8 25_uribl.cf:urirhssub URIBL_OB_SURBL multi.surbl.org. A 16 25_uribl.cf:urirhssub URIBL_AB_SURBL multi.surbl.org. A 32
And so it did....
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Randomly generated quote: Never lend money. It gives people amnesia.