Warren Robinson wrote:
Hi All,
Any feedback on how effective this is ?
I've made my own auto-generated spamassassin rules for both Geocities and Tripod spam.
This list is similar in it's principles to the good old BigEvilList ...
You can download and test it from there: http://nospam.mailpeers.net/
Feedback appreciated (good or bad, in or outside of the list) ...
I took a look some time before, and I noticed some 440 rules, if I remember.
The problem with this is that it may be efficient only for small servers, and you should clean up old unused rules.
What's nice with URLBL is that you read the message once to extract all URLs and after that, you query the database looking for the domain names you've found.
The problem with your rules is that the message will probably be scanned 441 times looking for complex perl expressions.
But this is a general problem with SpamAssassin with its hundreds rules.
In other words, with your rules, you'll highly increase the scanning time without adding too much efficiency to your filter. Good for small servers !