On Thu, Sep 30, 2004 at 03:34:07PM -0400, Chris Santerre csanterre@merchantsoverseas.com wrote:
I remember there was some excitement that blogers had code to check links posted against SURBL. Is that still being used? I figured that would be bigger news.
I'm still using it. In fact I was watching the spammers hit my blogs earlier this week. Hundreds of attempts in a few days, and they all failed miserably, because I added the domain they were attempting on the very first attempt. It inspired me to change the error message for a spam reject to "Rot in Hell, spammer!", which should give you an idea of how much I like the results.
I'm still getting referrer spam. I will likely apply SURBL check to that, too, using the same blacklist. (The check won't stop the referrers from showing up in server logs, but my weblog software also tracks them in a database). (And, yes, these checks do go through a caching nameserver).
As for it being news, if it's just me, it's small news; my software is custom. I don't know if anyone else has actually implemented it, or just talked about it.