Hi Jeff
Given that it's for me rather easy to implement a "scoring" combination from the different lists and that this is easy to configure. (I suspect most end-users will understand that and that it's easy to "publish" new recommended weigth's.) I think "at least 2" could be the default, without generating FP's (or almost none). The main filtering app that I write a plugin for (spampal) has nice whitelisting, but this needs a few weeks use before being really active.
If you're looking for weights to apply to different lists, you may want to consider starting with the ones SpamAssassin uses.
Thanks, I've looked at them but they are calculated quite complex and depend on other SA options. I did use them as a start point however, as also the numbers from 2005-01-26. I'm curious how ws will do after the JP removal.
Regarding your general question of reducing FPs by conjoining list, I agree that could be useful but haven't had a chance to try it yet.
Well I've made a new beta for the urlbody spampal plugin which uses "at least two" and hope to get some results from testers. Unfortunately there's no "good" summary report...