I am fine with 20. Any other comments? If I here nothing else we will go with 20 random. I like that since it protects against the attack where a spammer could frontload an email with legit hidden links and present their link last.
On Sun, Aug 01, 2004 at 12:39:41PM +0200, Ralph Seichter wrote:
Jeff Chan wrote:
In some ways it's kind of clean to copy the a similar 20 random setting that SA 3.0 is using by default [...]
I think a limit must be present to prevent DoS attacks on SURBL. This limit should have a built-in default setting (20 sounds reasonable to me), because many users will simply use the SpamCopURI defaults.
So, to protect SURBL from overload, I kindly and politely ask for Eric to make the changes as soon as time allows. Thank you!
-- Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Yours sincerely Dipl. Inform. Ralph Seichter
HORUS-IT Ahornweg 10 D-57635 Oberirsen Tel +49 2686 987880 Fax +49 2686 987889 http://horus-it.de/
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