[clarifying myself:]
On Monday, March 14, 2005, 9:22:35 PM, Jeff Chan wrote:
Since the two level cctld list has "co.uk", it means that any domain ending in .co.uk is checked at the third level foo.co.uk. But any second level cctld that's not in the list will be checked at the second level. IIRC .uk doesn't allow direct registrations under their top level, but if they did, this table lookup would still work as long as that second level wasn't listed.
[...wasn't explicitly and incorrectly in the two-level-tld list, which would be very unlikely. E.g., .uk isn't going to sell co.uk or ac.uk to a spammer any time soon.]
So if they changed their policy and allowed foo.uk, foo.uk would still get checked and could be listed.
Jeff C. -- "If it appears in hams, then don't list it."