On Thursday, August 5, 2004, 1:38:08 AM, Eric Kolve wrote:
Just released SpamCopURI 0.21:
0.21 Wed Aug 4 16:41:31 PDT 2004
- Defaulting config param spamcop_uri_limit to 20. If the number of URLs in a message exceeds the limit, they are shuffled and only up to the number specified for the limit are tested.
- New syntax for specifying the address match for multi.surbl.org: Instead of '' use '' this is being done to eliminate any confusion with CIDR syntax. The old '/' syntax is still supported, but will be deprecated in a future version.
Package has also been upload to CPAN as well.
Thanks much Eric! I forwarded your announcement to the SpamAssassin-users list also.
Jeff C.