William Stearns wrote to SURBL Discussion list:
Hi Bill,
I get the impression you're pushing hard for no munging at all to this list.
"Pushing hard" might be a bit strong, but, yes, I made the suggestion.
Are you using an automated script to extract domains? If so, how hard would it be to add:
sed -e 's/-MUNGED//'
to the beginning?
Nope, I use no automation for this list. For those that feel they *must* munge, it'd be best to at least employ something with readability and copy/paste-friendliness. spam-MUNGEDdomain.com does neither for me. :-)
Actually, I expected a *lot* more apathy on this topic. In truth, *I'm* a lot more apathetic to this than this thread would suggest :-)
<P>Note that the -MUNGED should appear at the end (or the beginning) of the URI, not in the middle, as this makes it difficult to read, and copy/paste the domain.</P>
Those may still be caught by other filters. That's the whole point of sticking "-MUNGED" in the middle, or my suggestion of a single space before ".com", which won't affect human readability. What was your opinion of that idea? Perhaps you didn't see the last time I proposed it because my last message ended up in you spam folder. *griiiiiin*
;-) I saw it, but, honestly, I don't really care *how* domains are munged. I'd just rather they not be munged at all for this list. :-)
- Ryan