On Wednesday, September 1, 2004, 11:42:23 AM, Jeff Chan wrote:
On Wednesday, September 1, 2004, 5:47:11 AM, Bitz Bitz wrote:
Listed at WS_URI_RBL
X-Spam-Status: No, hits=5.1 required=10.0 tests=RATWR10_MESSID=0.111, WS_URI_RBL=5
Thanks, -b.
I've whitelisted: funnygreetings.com
It belongs to euniverse. I've added it to these other euniverse domains:
euniverse.com flowgo.com skilljam.com cupidjunction.com dietingplans.com intelligentx.com netlaughter.com cutestuf.com madblast.com infobeat.com gossipflash.com funnygreetings.com
The reason for whitelisting all of them is that they all belong to euniverse. While I agree that these "spam to your friends with jokes, greetings, prayers, whatever" sites are stupid and highly abuse-prone, they do have some legitimate uses and should probably not be blocked globally.
The other rationale is that euniverse is either a spamhaus or not. While it's possible they're highly clueless in their subscription policies, it seems odd to me that one part of their operation would be somewhat responsible, and another part would be blatantly spamming. Unless they've partitioned their mail servers along those lines, they would risk getting them all shut down by their ISP's AUP, and that would not make business sense for them.
Also I place organizations that use their own mail servers in a different class than those who are using zombies, or otherwise illegally stealing services to deliver their mail, or are hosted or sending from spam-friendly ISPs in rogue nations that we are all already aware of. Anyone who has a fixed mail server can be trivially and much more efficiently blocked using a regular RBL and they probably don't need to be in a SURBL. They would be more efficiently handled in a RBL such as sbl.spamhaus.org. If the SBL sighting is correct, perhaps euniverse already is.
That all said, I'm willing to consider taking flowgo.com off the whitelist if people agree that domain is more spammy than legitimate.
Does euniverse use any zombies, stolen services or spam-friendly ISPs?
Jeff C.