On 4/19/05, Jeff Chan jeffc-at-surbl.org |surbl list| <...> wrote:
We've been working for a few weeks with the folks at CBL to extract URIs appearing on their extensive spam traps that also trigger inclusion in CBL, i.e. zombies, open proxies, etc. What this means is that we can get URIs of spams that are sent using zombies and open proxies, where that mode of sending is a very good indication of spamminess since legitimate senders probably don't use hijacked hosts or open proxies to send their mail.
Like most URI data sources, the main problem with the CBL URI data is false positives or appearance of otherwise legitimate domains. For example amazon.com is one that appears frequently. This does not mean that amazon.com is using zombies to send mail, or that the CBL traps have been deliberately poisoned, but that spammers occasionally mention legitimate domains like amazon.com in their spams. FPs aside, the CBL URI data does indeed appear to include other domains operating for the benefit of spammers or their customers. These are the new domains we would like to catch. Our challenge therefore is to find ways to use those while excluding the FPs. Some solutions that have been proposed so far are:
Therefore please speak up if you have any ideas or comments,
3 idea's :
1) Use the base data used for sc. Before inclusion you want a nr of reports to spamcop (I doin't recall it but let's say 20), before adding it to sc. A domain that appears on both the CBL datafeed and the sc datafeed on the "same" time, is far more likely spam. You could either use the new datafeed to selective lower the threshold for sc (not really my first choice) or use the occurences inside the sc datafeed to lower the threshold for the new list. Only a few occurences (more than one) on the sc datafeed would be enough in that case.
2) Try to get a big lists with domains that are probably ok (not whitelist as such, but a greylist to avoid automaticaly adding domains). They are probably not as fast moving than spam domains (aka this list wouldn't need very frequent updating)
a) use data from large proxyservers
b) use data from inside e-mails that passed a spamfilter as ham.
While there are privacy issues with both techniques, they are probably small from practical viewpoint when using large quantities and a rather high threshold before inclusion.