I really hope that this is not too obvious but I can't find a clear answer to this so here goes ;-)
I have been using the SURBL plugin with SA 2.64 successfully and have just upgraded SA to 3.0. In the docs it states that it is best to use multi.surbl.org with 3.0. Is this configured by default somewhere or do I need to add the rule to local.cf??
I have been watching the spam processed so far this morning and I am getting hits on the lists I had configured with 2.64 but not multi which is why I ask.
If I do need to add the rule, what is the exact syntax to use for 3.0??
My apologies if this has been covered before - my searches came up pretty empty.
Ed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Randomly generated quote: A closed mind is like a closed book: just a block of wood.