On Thursday, November 23, 2006, 11:19:23 PM, Kelly Jones wrote:
Can SURBL blacklist 4th level domains? "connexus.net.au" is a perfectly valid domain, but subdomains of "dsl.connexus.net.au" are a bit suspicious.
The quick answer is no. If a domain is valid, then the owner of the domain should be responsible for cleaning up the abuse of their domain.
I got a spam referencing 106-147.dsl.connexus.net.au, probably someone running a webserver on their DSL connection.
It's probably an infected computer on a home DSL connection. You should report those to the DSL provider.
Reading http://www.surbl.org/implementation.html and http://spamcheck.freeapp.net/two-level-tlds makes me think only 2nd and 3rd level domains can be blacklisted.
Yes, that's generally true.
Jeff C. -- Don't harm innocent bystanders.