On Wednesday, September 1, 2004, 11:25:40 PM, Matthew Hunter wrote:
I just whipped up some code to reject trackback/comment spam using a SURBL as a data source. Unfortunately, the people spamming my weblogs aren't in multi.surbl.org, so I will have to maintain my own local blacklist server.
The single most useful thing that could be done wrt fighting spam in weblogs would be an SURBL source that had the offending domains in it. I would offer to make mine public, but I don't have the IP to spare at the moment...
Does anyone know of an appropriate SURBL list?
Hi Matthew, We could perhaps set up a separate SURBL for blog spammers. It would be a slight shift in focus since the other SURBLs are all for email spam. Can you give an idea of how many records you have?
Also have you tried Jay Allen's MT-Blacklist/Comment Spam list:
It would be interesting to look at your data to see if there's much overlap with our existing lists. In the case of Jay's data, there's nearly none.
Jeff C.