Now if you want to be a list nazi that's your prerogative, but unless you accept that the SURBL website is flawed I'm afraid you're going to lose support from ISPs like ourselves
If you want to talk about the SURBL site please open a new thread, no problem at all. We are handling this whitelist request with the person directly.
We just do not handle delisting requests on the mailinglist. Thats not what is is here for. We cannot hand out example material here on the list. We cannot discuss things that we regularly do on the whitelist alias.
We get various delisting requests a week and they are handled in a professional way. There are a lot of well known people on that alias and thats what its used for.
If the form needs to be changed, fine, tell so, but dont drop your whitelist requests here. We wont handle them here.
Form will be changed to point people in the right direction, you can also read in the SURBL FAQ:
If you know of a legitimate site that should be globally whitelisted but isn't currently, you're welcome to report it to whitelist at surbl dot org for consideration. In other words some of your local whitelist entries may be appropriate for global whitelisting. If you know them to be legitimate for certain, then other SURBL users may benefit from the knowledge you choose to share with the community.
Feel free to submit them to whitelist@surbl.org.
Bye, Raymond.