Arghhhhh !
There is a good one :
On Friday, November 5, 2004, 11:02:51 PM, Andrew wrote:
Does anyone know if there is an open-source client written in c to perform URL searches in message bodies, and then lookups against a SURBL ?
(This is not for use with SA)
I can't think of any open source ones off hand, but that doesn't mean there aren't any. Have you taken a look at some of the programs mentioned on our links page:
It's possible some are written in C.
Errrrrr. Jeff !
You forgot me.
j-chkmail is written in C, and is probably the oldest one supporting SURBL (since April).
j-chkmail doesn't appear on the link list... 8-)
That said, the task of extracting URI domains from email messages is non-trivial particularly from spams, which often have obfuscation methods that must be undone. Something like the SpamAssassin code can be a good starting point, though it has the advantage of a regular expression language, mail method decoding tools, etc.
Jeff C.
"If it appears in hams, then don't list it."
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