-----Original Message----- From: Jeff Chan [mailto:jeffc@surbl.org] Sent: Monday, October 25, 2004 4:05 PM To: SURBL Discuss Subject: Re: [SURBL-Discuss] free host: greatnow.com
On Monday, October 25, 2004, 12:55:07 PM, Chris Santerre wrote:
From: Jeff Chan [mailto:jeffc@surbl.org]
Might it be better to set up the blog spam domains as a separate list inside multi, but testing them first? We would still want to find a way to minimize collateral damage and keep otherwise legitimate domains off a blog list.
Legitimate domains like greatnow.com?
http://www.blackjack.greatnow.com http://www.viaga-viagra.greatnow.com http://www.debtconsolidation.greatnow.com http://generic-cialis.greatnow.com http://www.ed.greatnow.com/ http://www.bulk-email.greatnow.com http://www.bonds.greatnow.com http://www.1-dating.greatnow.com http://www.credit-card.greatnow.com http://www.car-insurance.greatnow.com
Probably every free hosting site has abuse, but most have far more legitimate uses than abusive ones. greatnow may be an exception. I did find a ton of blog spam for it on google, as you suggested. The real question is how much legitimate use they have. I did apparently find some, but it doesn't mean they're a whitehat. They could be a blackhat with a few incidental or unintentional legitimate users. :-(
The question deserves some research. The reason I brought them up is because some had an apparent legitimate use for greatnow.com. That's usually a reason to not list them.
We got the UC list covered. It isn't in the SURBL group. You
don't have to
worry about it.
If we're thinking about setting up a blog list (as we were earlier), then it might be useful to test the data before using it, don't you agree?
I don't see how dumping lists with arbitrary FPs onto UC helps either UC or SURBLs. In fact it's one of the bad things we predicted: that a grey list would become a dumping ground with some FPs and some domains that belong on a blocklist, all sitting there underclassified, unchecked or ignored.
They are NOT going unchecked. UC is still in beta form right now. So we are testing. Most people have no clue where the server is as it is NOT part of SURBL, so UC.SURBL.ORG doesn't work. Not a dumping ground at all. It will be as active as WS.
I fully intend to mirror most of what goes into WS into UC. UC will simply have a different policy. Grey domains need to be considered. UC will do that. You said yourself earlier you didn't want to be any part of a list that handled grey domains. That it would waste time. So you don't have to worry about UC.
UC will get as much attention to detail as I put into WS. I just won't delete grey domains, like I do now. I will instead list then in UC.
I predict UC won't be ready for prime time for a few weeks at least. And it will be its own animal, not part of the SURBL group.
It is also a group effort. As working on this myself would drive me crazier then I am.