OK the prior rules were still wrong. These will work:
urirhsbl URIBL_SC2_SURBL sc2.surbl.org. A body URIBL_SC2_SURBL eval:check_uridnsbl('URIBL_SC2_SURBL') describe URIBL_SC2_SURBL Has URI in SC2 at http://www.surbl.org/lists.html tflags URIBL_SC2_SURBL net
score URIBL_SC2_SURBL 3.0
urirhsbl URIBL_XS_SURBL xs.surbl.org. A body URIBL_XS_SURBL eval:check_uridnsbl('URIBL_XS_SURBL') describe URIBL_XS_SURBL Has URI in XS - Testing tflags URIBL_XS_SURBL net
score URIBL_XS_SURBL 2.0
Lints just fine on our SA3 with A and no addresses or numbers. (A is preferred over TXT.)
Note that we're using urirhsbl not urirhssub since sc2.surbl.org and xs.surbl.org are standalone lists (for testing) and not part of multi.surbl.org.
These lists will eventually go away as standalone lists, to very likely go into multi instead. Then you'll need to delete the sc2 rule and change xs to urirhssub and multi. We'll send an official announcement on the SURBL announcement list when this actually happens:
Until then, please test sc2 and xs and let us know how they work for you.
Jeff C. -- Don't harm innocent bystanders.