Jus a few things to add
3 idea's :
- Use the base data used for sc. Before inclusion you want a nr of
reports to spamcop (I doin't recall it but let's say 20), before adding it to sc. A domain that appears on both the CBL datafeed and the sc datafeed on the "same" time, is far more likely spam. You could either use the new datafeed to selective lower the threshold for sc (not really my first choice) or use the occurences inside the sc datafeed to lower the threshold for the new list. Only a few occurences (more than one) on the sc datafeed would be enough in that case.
After thinking a while longer, it's maybe not such a bad idea to use the new data to improve the SC list. By needing less seperate reports the time gap until inclusion will be much less. Instead of 10 (just checked) it's maybe enough to use 3 or 4, which gives a gain of at least 6 minutes, but probably much more. Moreover it's probably possible to check the "right" threshold and the average time gain. Check the percentage of domains that get inside the CBL datafeed and get less reports than the threshold. for example (no real data):
1 reports only and CBL'ed : 10% 2 reports only and CBL'ed : 5% 3 reports only and CBL'ed : 3% ... 9 reports only and CBL'ed : 0.01% 10 or more reports and CBL'ed : 75%
(And compare against those that are not CBL'ed)
Another thing I think of not linked with CBL : The speed that reports come in is also important, 5 reports in 15 minutes is probably much more spammy than 5 reports in 1 day.