On 10/7/04 10:15 AM, "Leonardo Helman" wrote:
I've whitelisted tripod.com.ar. It's a web host like geocities, etc. Belongs to Lycos. I don't see them as professional spammers. Maybe a Spanish reader can tell us if their terms of service are any good at prohibiting spam hosting and other abuse:
I'm not a lawyer, so take all of this with a pair of tweezers, but all the thing says something like you can use the service for anything personal (not commercial) as long as the contents are legal. There is an enum for things they don't allow sites that promote violence, or discrimination, or don't fullfill international treaties, permit access or inclusion of porn, violence..., false or inexact about objects or intentions, things protected by intelectual property laws, empresarial secrets, don't fullfill the comunication secret normatives
We received one of those V1codin ads with a tripod link that redirected to one of the listed med sites, I would have to dig up that email but, I was a little shocked. Maybe a new way for them to bypass the filters yet again?