Another good reason to ask for proof up front is that we've seen at least one example where a spammer came on this forum and lied about the source and nature of the spam in order to try to get off the list. (Of course, this obviously wouldn't apply to Bill.) ...remember that classic case where, supposedly, a security hole in a company's server was exploited by hackers who were sending out spam that, for some strange reason, advertised this same company's products and services? know, the one that Chris caught :)
Also, Bill, try not to take these challenges so personally. I think that some on this list question things sometimes more out of a concern to get it right and to be extra sure... not because we question any particular person's judgment. It seems like if you would include just two or three more of your top reasons for believing that the mail in question is a FP, you'd find the process to be smoother and quicker.
Rob McEwen