That will cause false positives. Some ISPs don't assign long leases. The IP address of an infected host can be assigned to a "good" one in a matter of hours.
Am I missing something ? I thought we were talking about IP's as URL's ? How many false positives are there likely to be when hardly anyone on dynamic IP's are going to be running a web server and hand out their IP as a URL ? And if there WERE any false positives does anyone really care ? If they want to run a reliable web server then get a proper one. My opinion.
No i dont think you are missing something. And btw, this exact same thing applies to RBL lists as Spamcop and so ... nothing new here, not worth the fuzz. Unless someone can point out with some examples we are gonna make a hudge mistake i say lets move forward. In fact, they are allready getting added.
Bye, Raymond.